In 2003, the All Japan Kendo Federation introduced a type of practice using bokken. Bokuto Ni Yoru Kendo Kihon-waza Keiko-ho is a set of basic exercises using a bokuto. This form of practice, is intended primarily for kendoka up to ni-dan, but is very useful for all kendo students. This bokken is constructed from solid wood with flair. The golden design looks like spun gold and makes for an overall exquisite piece. Use this weapon for training and sparring. Dazzle your opponent and distract them with the design while you wipe the floor with them.
Product Description
Overall Length: 40.25 Inches
Blade Length: 30.25 Inches
Construction: Wood
Blade Thickness: 22.68 mm
Handle: 9.50 Inches
Includes: ABS Handle Guard
Black Finish
Gold Paint Design
Black Nylon Wrap