Replicas usually come at unbearable prices and the combo deals are usually ridiculous. Weve put together one of the most amazing package deals based on customer feedback and requests. Our wooden swords or wasters are excellent replicas of the real swords. They look and feel similar to the real thing. This particular Middle Age Wooden Waster Sword is hand crafted in Beech wood, then sanded and wax polished for a smooth satin finish. You can now practice martial arts safely and affordable with these great wooden replicas. Though very light in weight, each can take the abuse of sparring and reenacting, even edge-to-edge. Color may vary due to the natural grain / texture of the wood. The sword just got sweeter with this unique combination deal. Weve included our Exquisite Universal Studded Black Sword Frog is great because it is so universal, for FREE. It works with foam swords, light weight broadswords, and Katanas. You can also carry wooden swords, and axes. This frog is constructed entirely out of polyurethane with steel studs. Two adjustable belt loops allows you to adjust the height that you would like the frog to hang at. Not only is it stylish but functional. This universal piece can accent medieval dress, modern style, and many diverse costumes.