Etiquette has been around for many, many years with the intent to help keep the hands and germs from touching food. Large dinners in the middle ages consisted of many courses. Begin with soup, broth, fruits, and greens. These foods are digested easily and were often served at the start of the feast. "Sallat" or salad was a popular choice for the first course. Scallions, boiled carrots, lettuce, turnips, nuts, herbs, vinegar and oil were often used to make a salad. Our Original Etiquette Foundations Salad Serving Set has been tastefully hand carved and polished out of real horn. This set includes an extra-large spoon and spork with decorative handles. The natural colors of the horn come in a mixture of rich browns, blacks, and sometimes a touch of cream or white. The extreme functionality of this set is meant to help bring back the old-world medieval style of feasting with our Original Etiquette Foundations Salad Serving Set.